Daily Capricorn Horoscope April 28 (28/04)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

April 28


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 10/10

You possess a special form of staying power. Other signs are driven more by passion but that doesnt make you unexcitable or unpassionate. You can, in some way now, see the benefits to throwing yourself into a certain project or plan in the belief doing too much is preferable to not doing enough. At the same time, you can see how and why a sensible, methodical and patient approach is needed. Your mission is to find the balance that exists between both!


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

We are all distracted easily, particularly if we sense an easier option presents itself that we believe to be preferable to a way in which were pursuing a plan, project or dream. You could be tempted to cut a corner or take a path of least resistance, not because of laziness but because you believe an easier methodology can be applied than one youre using currently. Dont be deceived!


summary capricorn weekly

Star 10/10

Sometimes, because enthusiasm can be infectious, we find it easier to latch on to someone elses enthusiasm rather than find our own reasons to pursue something. Before you become influenced by someone elses enthusiasm for a plan or arrangement, listen to what your inner voice is telling you. You dont need to follow in ways you believe you must. This week, trust your own judgment, take a step back and make a decision without pressure from certain quarters.


summary capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

With freedom, power is rarely far away. Yet, even though were experiencing release from where were used to feeling restricted, we can take time to adjust to new situations before we become aware of the new level of power we possess. This month, as you become freed from a hampering and draining situation, you might be oblivious to control within your grasp. Thats all the more reason to use it sparingly and wisely. Where youve grown used to having to invest a certain level of effort, you could discover, to your delight, nowhere near as much is needed now.


health capricorn daily

Star 7/10

You are quite sensitive to color, light, and sound. Is your home environment nurturing you as it should? Apart from what\s in the fridge and cupboards (of utmost importance), do you have the color of paint that you desire on your walls? Do you have plants that are able to grow in a well-lit space? Do you have the kind of music you like to play in the privacy of your own home? These things matter to your well-being as much as anything else!


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

Nothing can pick up your soul like fresh juice with lots of ginger in it. This season, treat yourself to one of the greatest man-made creations ever: a juicer. If you have never made your own juice, you are in for a treat. If you\ve had it in restaurants, you will experience new depths of self-love when you drink it in the privacy of your own kitchen, or dare I say, bathtub. Carrot, apple and ginger root is a marvelous blend.


health capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

Unexpected events are likely to arise. These can include health problems. Unacknowledged stress is a major factor in illness. Perhaps financial issues are worrying you. Work on solutions, and don\t let anything keep you from feeling as well as you can be. Nothing is as important as your health. Make it a priority.


health capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

Playing competitive sports for leisure can be very good for you this month. Equally, you might find that anything that gets you outdoors and into the fresh air perks you up. Even outdoor jobs that are very physical can help to ground you and your energy. This can be particularly important starting April 21, when Mars moves into the sign of Gemini and your health sector. You could be a lot more restless and put a lot more strain on your nervous system during this time, so exercise and eating right can help balance you.


love capricorn daily

Star 10/10

The planetary alignment at play today laughs at your feeling like you need to follow the crowd, and fully intends to encourage you to behave more individually. This can only expand your options and also your possibilities of attracting a love so different from anything you have previously experienced, that it can only change you for the better. Be bold and allow the more unusual aspects of yourself out to play.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 7/10

The current astral configuration will certainly make you smile. Your partner (current or prospective) may be forgiven for wondering if you have won some kind of lottery, as you seem to be so full of the joy of life. Make the most of this opportunity to go on an outing together, or perhaps to meet up with friends for lunch, or to enjoy a show or a movie.


love capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

You aren\t attracted to unpredictability, so anyone who is late for a date or stands you up completely isn\t a good candidate for love at the start of the week. Your mind is free from romantic clutter over the weekend, which makes it a perfect time to make long-term decisions. Only time will tell if you\ve chosen correctly, but there will be clear signs when you\re walking along the right path.


love capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

Retrograde Venus slips into tender Pisces on April 2, which is quite a departure from her time in forceful Aries. When your love life takes a more sensitive turn, you have a harder time prioritizing romance and reaching love-related goals. Mercury turns retrograde on April 9, shedding light on past romantic issues. You may not have a giant \"ah ha\" moment, but your understanding grows, which is never a bad thing. A problematic Venus/Saturn square on April 21 knocks a new relationship back a few notches, and fighting a losing battle is simply tiring. Sometimes the end result isn\t worth the effort.


career capricorn daily

Star 8/10

The day will start off on a rather intense note, but tempers will ease as the day wears on. People will be more cheerful by the afternoon and your faith in humanity will be restored. If you need a favor done, make this request in the afternoon.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Information comes at you at such a fast and furious pace that it will be difficult for you to keep up. Realize that you don\t need to tackle all of this information today. You can do it later. Don\t put pressure yourself to conquer Rome in one day.


career capricorn weekly

Star 8/10

Be patient even if your work life is less than ideal. Good news and good luck should begin to turn things around now, especially if you\re looking for work or a better position. There is a risk of becoming overconfident, especially where detailed financial or legal work is involved. Don\t hesitate to ask the advice of experts or superiors. Focus on your appearance. A few new accessories can upgrade your wardrobe.


career capricorn monthly

Star 8/10

The Full Moon on April 10 will bring an embarrassing work situation to light. You might have to apologize for a bad decision or unfortunate outcome. Be sincere about your desire to make amends. Saying you\re sorry if someone\s hurt won\t cut the mustard. After expressing regret, offer two or three possibilities to rectify the matter. Giving people good choices makes them feel better. On April 26, your job will feel more like play than work. Collaborating with a creative co-worker will bring out the best in you. You may develop a catchy slogan or compelling logo.



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